Psycho Mactis (Update 01.06.21)

Sometimes you just forget about some fun lists you’ve once played. Scrolling through some lists I played recently I stumbled over this 2-ship beauty. I played it at an online tournament a couple of months ago and did fairly well with it. After failing hard with Guri lately it’s time for a change…

I was able to get 3 more games in.

  1. Vs Nom Lumb, Torani Kulda, Asajj Ventress

I am fine with this matchup. Obi and Ani are moving after my opponents entire list. And seeing only 3 ships across the table is always nice when only flying 2 ships.


Pedal to the metal with Anakin. I want to get past Torani and Nom Lumb to mess up his formation early on. Obi will start with a 2 straight to see what Asajj will do.

Shields down on Torani

After the 5 straight Anakin ended up between Torani and Nom Lumb. Having two pre maneuver repositioning options gave Ankakin enough options to arcdodge and clear Toranis lock with his ability. After a careful start with Obi, I dialed in a 5 straight with the intention of attacking Asajj. I switched targets because Torani is the juicier ship to clear first. His ability can really hurt the ETA.

I will disengage with Anakin. Torani will 4k and Nom Lumb will turn in. Asajj has 2 options: Turn left or 5k. No matter what she does, Obi’s probably fine with a 1 turn to the right.

Obi boosted left while Anakin boosted right. I really don’t want to fly these two ships next to each other because I want to force my opponent to make a decision on who he wants to chase.

Both Eta’s will hide behind the obstacles the upcoming round.

Now Obi can safely turn left. I wasn’t sure about Anakin’s maneuver. He’s able to barrel roll left and 1 turn but I was to scared of Nom Lumbs double modded Proton Torpedo. Therefore I dialed in a 4 straight. Then I boosted right in the system phase. I wanted to fly past Asajj who I thought will turn left clipping the debris. Unfortunately Asajj banked and Anakin ended up there…

Lucky me for taking no damage.

Anakin cleared Asajj’s lock and took an evade. Ventress missed…

Here’s what I should’ve done with Anakin: Dialing in a 4 straight was the right decision but using Intuitive Controls to boost right was wrong because I wasn’t able to react on Asajj’s 1 bank that way. Using Precogntive Reflexes would’ve been the right choice here. If Asajj’s turning in, Anakin can Precog boost and 5 straight flying past her. If Asajj’s banking, Anakin can 3 forward landing out of arc…

But I was lucky this time.

With my opponents forces being split and in bad positions, Obi will barrel roll and 5 straight to hunt down Torani. Anakin will help his mentor.

Torani died two rounds later to Autoblaster lunacy.

Asajj had to move over the debris. She lost her shields and took 2 crits. Two rounds later she explodes. Game.

This list is so much fun. Despite the fact that this was a really good matchup for me, I was happy with my performance.

We have an in-person-event upcoming in July…maybe I am going to fly these two psychos 🙂

2. Vs Vader + Echo

Real life X-Wing! It feels so awesome moving these plastic ships around.

For this game I decided to play hyper aggressive which paid off in the beginning. I was able to surprise my opponent. Getting into Vaders flank was nice but Anakin wasn’t able to do anything meaningful. Then I set my dial to the wrong direction. Instead of having a range 1 Autoblaster shot at Echo, Anakin turned away 😦

To make matters even worse, Anakin blanked hard

Are you serious?!

I know Vader’s rolling 3 hits most of the time but Anakin had 5 green dice + a gas cloud evade + an evade token + 3 force. Don’t blame your dice, so we had a good laugh as I typed in everything into the probability generator:

0,6% chance of doing 1 damage… lol

The good thing was that Obi halved Echo at the same time. Anakin k-turned and landed right behind Vader for doing just 1 damage.

It continued like that…I wasn’t able to roll more than 2 hits. But the Autoblaster did it’s job and halved Vader as well.

After I dialed in the wrong move at the start of the game I wanted to perform a world class move with Anakin by sending him 5 forward towards Vader and boost past him which failed of course and Anakin died… but so does Echo.

At this point in the game Obi could just run away. But I didn’t wanted to so I engaged Vader. It was a bad idea. A barrel roll didn’t fit…dead Obi…Game

I learned a lot here:

  1. Being aggressive with these 2 Eta’s is possible and can be really rewarding.
  2. But don’t let your anger control you! I never really disengaged that game which was the wrong choice. This and bad luck on my side cost me the game in the end
  3. The reason why we haven’t seen any Eta winning some big event is that this ship is subject to variance like no other ship out there. Super Kylo and Guri can take one bad die roll but these guys can’t. I mean look at the picture 🙂

3. Vs Vader + Echo (again)

I wanted a rematch. This time I played way more cagy how I am used to fly lists like that. It paid off this time.

Obi was able to bait both Vader and Echo. The greens nearly failed again but I was able to roll and convert exactly what I needed.

Anakin took his revenge (seeing those blanks reminds me of my first game this evening)

Obi turtled. His ability gave him force+focus+evade. Vader had to move around the cloud in front of Obi which gave Anakin a decent range 3 shot. The Dark Lord blanked and lost three shields.

Obi disengaged and Anakin tried to get into Vaders flank.

Vader 3 turned and barrel rolled. Anakin used his Precog. Reflexes barrel rolling towards Vader to then execute a purple 2 talon roll to the left. He landed right out of Vader’s arc. I was really happy with this move because Vader got halved (…and it looked cool).

It was time to get more aggressive so I turned Obi towards Vader who had to barrel roll to dodge Obi’s bullseye. Anakin followed Vader. Obi had 3 force + an evade. There’s a 61% chance that Vader’s doing no damage to Obi. This time we both rolled average and Obi didn’t took anything. I spent every token I had offensively killing Vader. Obi dodged even Echo’s shot.

Having two fully operational Eta’s on the board, my opponent called it. Echo can’t do anything against them all by herself.


Flying this list is so much fun. I played a strong second game without any mistakes. So being cagy is definitely the right choice with these ships. Despite the fact that Autoblaster is what makes this list work, I don’t think this card should exist. Auto damage isn’t good for the game imo even if you really have to work for it. But of course we can have the same argument about Supernatural Reflexes and other pre-maneuver upgrades.

Nevertheless I am really happy that I can fly stuff like that.

An older match vs

Lieutenant Tavson (64)
Supreme Leader Snoke (13)

Ship total: 77 Half Points: 39 Threshold: 6

First Order Provocateur (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

First Order Provocateur (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

First Order Provocateur (41)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

I really like this list. It has lots of firepower and 3 highly maneuverable ships. Snoke is strong against my list but with the help of my super-special-precog-reflexes, the ETA’s should be fine.

Gameplan: Ignore Tavson (never shoot him) and kill the Provocateurs

Forgot taking the photo. Arrows will help.

The obstacle placement really favors me. Tavson has to either go the long way around the Gas Clouds or, if he wants to attack earlier, has to move through the obstacle field.

My idea was to send Anakin towards the red Provocateur while Obi comes fast attacking red as well.

22% chance that red will die. Lucky me.

Anakin used R2-A6 and avoids the bump. He then used his pilot ability and got rid of the lock. Obi used Supernatural Reflexes and boosted left+5 straight + barrel roll. He arcdodged Tavson and got bullseye on red. My opponent rolled only 2 natural evades.

Tavson will bank in and green will move execute a fast maneuver most likely. I dialed in a 3 turn to the left for Obi. He will end up behind the cloud to get cloud coverage against Tavson. Obi might also get a decent shot at green.

Anakin will bank left. With the help of R2-A6 and Precog. Reflexes there isn’t much yellow can do.

Stripping shields

Anakin ended up in front of yellow. He used his ability to remove greens lock, then triggered Obi’s ability to get a focus and barrel rolled left. Obi evades. Both Eta’s used their Autoblasters. Yellow lost one and green lost both shields.

Tavson had a lock on Obi and rolled 4 hits. With Obi’s defensive mods, Tavson has a chance of 2% to hit the Jedi.

I think my opponent expects a fast maneuver from Anakin so I dialed in a 2 turn to the right. Obi will use his Intuiticve controls to barrel roll and 4k behind Tavson.

It worked! R2-A6 MVP! Anakin rolled 2 unavoidable crits – direct hit –

Tavson had no mods and missed Anakin.

I did a mistake here by shooting at Tavson. My opponent prayed to the dice gods to show him one more blank result so Tavson can lock Anakin. But this time he rolled a natural evade.

My opponent conceded.

It was a good and fun match and I didn’t do a lot of mistakes. I will try out this list on saturday to see how I will do with it…

Psycho Mactis

Anakin Skywalker (Eta-2) (56)
Precognitive Reflexes (13)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R2-A6 (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 87 Half Points: 44 Threshold: 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Eta-2) (49)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 88 Half Points: 44 Threshold: 2

Total: 175

This is the craziest list I’ve ever played. With only 2 ships and 6hp every decision matters and there’s no room for mistakes. I also think that it isn’t a good list in the current meta. It lacks firepower (unless your opponent is in your bullseye) and your green dice will betray you at some point. But still…it’s a ton of fun. I played it 4 times now and couldn’t get it out of my head.


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