Guri/Fenn vs. Imperial Aces

A good matchup for Guri/Fenn. Trade Fenn for Soontir and clean up with Guri.


Setup: I try to threaten Inqi + Whisper with Guri while Fenn gets the flank.


Stalling with Guri here seems the right choice. Because I thought my opponent will turn all his ships towards Fenn, I dialed in a 4 straight for Guri. With this maneuver she has to strong options: Get behind the Imperials if they turn towards Fenn or barrel roll right and disengage if they continue to fly towards Guri.

Fenn will 3 bank left. Being in this position allows him to react on the boardstate. If the enemy ships turning towards him, he can disengage the upcoming round.

They went after Guri. Fenn’s in a good position to either 3 bank or turn left. Guri can disengage once more.

My opponent regretted his move with Soontir. A good start for me.

Fenn was able to complet the boost by a millimeter. Soontir lost his shield and took a “Weapons Failure”.

Fenn will 3 straight from there. Turning left looks juicy but it’s way too risky at the same time because both Whisper and Inqi can catch him there.

I won’t turn Guri towards the Inqi because Soontir produces a big threat in his position. Instead Guri will 2 turn left and barrel roll behind the cloud. Being in this position gives her cloud coverage and Soontir can’t arcdodge her if he banks to the left.

I never expected Whisper decloaking left. Fenn is happy again stripping both shields of the phantom. Guri’s move worked and Soontir wasn’t able to get into an advantageous position.

Fenn will turn right because Whisper has to decloak left. If she turns in after her decloak she’s right behind Fenn.

Guri on the other hand has a ton of options. She can pretty much stall and keep attacking Soontir or even the Gran Inquisitor. Because of Whispers limited options I dialed in a 3 bank to the right. If Whisper 1 turns after the decloak Guri lands in her flank. If she does a different maneuver Guri can attack Inqi as well.

Guri nearly clipped the rock

Phantoms don’t like Outmaneuver!

Fenn’s save and can turn back in. Whisper is not cloaked anymore so she has limited options. Guri will 1 turn left to kill Whisper if she turns towards Fenn.

I messed up. Inqui blocked Fenn and Whisper k-turned. I should have kept Guri behind the rock. I wanted to be super clever by attacking Soontir. Guri rolled left and turned towards the Ace of Legends. Unfortunately Soontir 1 turned and barrel rolled keeping his strain token. Guri was lucky for not taking any damage.

The good thing is that Guri’s position is excellent. With a 1 turn right she’s behind Whisper (ready to finish her) and ready to block Soontir.

Fenn will turn left because Inqui has Sense and therefore he is able to block every maneuver Fenn will do that turns him to the right.

Whisper goes BOOOM!

My opponent conceded. Both of his ships are in bad spots while Fenn and Guri are ready to strike the upcoming round.

This game shows two things:

  1. You can control a single I6 with Fenn
  2. You can lose a game because of a single mistake. My opponents move with Soontir in the first round of combat pretty much decided the game early on

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