Once more the aggression (Update 11.02.2021)

Fenn Rau

Old Teroch

Talonbane Cobra
Contraband Cybernetics
False Transponder Codes

VS Republic Eta’s

The game got streamed. It’s german, though.

One of the best games I played recently without many flaws. I think I won that game because of the gas cloud in my opponents way.

Vs Koshka, 4-LOM, 2 Quadjumpers

My opponent brought an anti-ace list. And he built it well. 4-Lom is handing out stress, the Quadjumpers throwing you on rocks while Koshka it hitting hard.

Start of round 2

Teroch and Talonbane will turn left and barrel roll.

Teroch and Talonbane will go straight. I want to reunite my forces to deliver a hard punch onto Koshka. On the other hand I wanted to fly towards the middle to draw the Quadjumpers and 4-Lom through the rocks.

Koshka’s all by herself while the rest of the formation has to deal with the obstacles next round. Koshka has 2 options: banking right and boost trying to block something or turn left and boost away from my ships. I’m happy with every move. If she turns away I can deal with the Quadjumpers next round. If she banks Teroch and Fenn can attack her.

Koshka took 7 damage. I love this list. Teroch suffered 1 damage.

Two good options for Koshka, again. Banking right or turning left. I dialed in a 1 turn to the left for Teroch to follow Koshka if she banks and boosts away (Teroch isn’t in a good position there because Fenn’s blocking his straight maneuvers). Talonban could go straight or turn left. But the Quadjumper could tractor Fenn to the left which would lead into a bump. So I dialed in a 3 straight to attack 4-Lom.

Ouch! Fenn rolled only a single symbol suffering 1 hit and 2 crits.

Teroch bumped. Not a good round for me. Should’ve dialed in a straight maneuver for Fenn. Nevertheless 4-Lom loses 4 shields.

Fenn could bank or turn right remaining in a bad spot if Koshka banks right. Because I’m pretty sure my opponent will tractor Teroch, I dialed in a 1 turn to the right. This will give Teroch the opportunity to attack a Quadjumper.

Fenn had to roll 5 hits to kill Koshka which is what he did.

Surpisingly Terochs 1 turn even fit.

Because I was scared the Quadjumpers will tractor Fenn, I dialed in a 3 straight. Teroch will 4k. If 4-Lom stays in place , Teroch bumps which is ok. If 4-Lom turns left (what is more likely), he will land behind him.

Lucky Cobra evading all the incoming shots.

Now Fenn can turn right.

4-Lom will most likely execute a stop maneuver. Because the yellow Quadjumper will probably trying to block Talonbane, I dialed in a 4k for the Cobra. Afterburners + Contraband Cybernetics are the rights toys for this job.

The last picture show, how hard this list hits.

Talonbane 4k’d, used Afterburners and took a focus (using Contraband).

Both Fenn and Talonbane rolled 5 hits killing 4-Lom and a Quadjumper.

Every game I played so far with this list was pretty close and could’ve gone the other way. If Koshka would’ve banked right then I’m pretty sure Fenn is going to die. My opponent thought that Fenn will execute a bank maneuver.

Try this list. It’s so much fun.

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