Meet “The Daredevils”

Because I’m not practicing for an upcoming tournament or taking any game very serious atm, I’m happy being able to fly what I like and try out combos I always dreamed of.

I really enjoyed “The Daredevils”.

Kylo Ren + Extreme Maneuvers

Major Vonreg + Daredevil

“Holo” + Daredevil

Total: 192

This list brings 3 hyper mobile ships to the table which can deal a lot of damage if you’re patient enough or willing to take some risks. On the other hand the Tie/ba is fragile and can blow up pretty fast.

Played against Ten Numb, Dutch and Luke (with a ton of upgrades each)

I never played Extreme Kylo before and was very curious to see what he can do. I am also not sure about Holo here. She usually wants a bunch of ships in her squad to make the best out of her ability.


Holo might boost/help Vonreg a bit while Kylo is trying to get a flank if my opponent turns towards the ba’s.

Start of round 3

You can already see Kylos path for the next round. I just turned him in here because I wanted to see what Extreme Maneuvers can do. And omg it was amazing. Dutch had to approach really fast to acquire a lock on Kylo. Luke went 1 or 2 straight. Kylo 3 turned then used the Extreme Maneuver boost to the right and barrel rolled left dodging all the arcs. WOW!! My opponent asked me if this move even works.

With Vonreg’s help the Gold Leader already lost 4 hp.

Kylo 5 straight yolo’d over the debris. Holo wasn’t able to get a shot at Ten without getting in trouble. Vonreg had to deplete himself to evade everything.

Luke’s in an awesome position here. He can threaten all of my ships next round. Therefore I turned Kylo to the left. With his Daredevil boost he’ll make it back into the fight in no time.

Ten will most likely k-turn or tallon roll here (the stress he has in the picture is gone). This means Holo doesn’t want to turn in landing right in front of Ten or even get blocked. So I dialed in a 1 turn to the right to see what happens. Again: Daredevil means your ships aren’t out of combat for long. Vonreg will 2 straight because it’s the “If you don’t know what’s the right decision” move. Joke’s aside, the 2 straight allows him to barell roll right trying to get out of Luke’s range.

Just hope Ten’s intention isn’t trying to block Vonreg.

It worked as planed. No shots fired this round.

Now all guns on Ten. I won’t be able to avoid getting shot next round again. Dutch’s flanking position is also a bit of a problem.

NOOOO! Kylo’s ionized.

Now here’s Holo’s strength: Luke had a lock on Vonreg. The Baron took a focus. Holo transfered her evade to Vonreg. The Jedi had a decision to make: Fire the fully modified Plasma Torpedo on Vonreg or take the range 3 shot at a tokenless Holo. He used his torps and missed. Well done Holo!

Meanwhile Kylo blanked against the Ion Cannon. Luckily his position is actually quite good for being ionized.

Because Ten has no more shields, my intention was to kill him the next turn by sending everyone in.

Luke has Extreme Maneuvers as well

…but missed Kylo. Vonreg got blocked and Dutch acquired a lock on Holo. Holo transfered the lock to Vonreg because I really wanted to kill Ten here. This is why Holo kept her focus to have a modified shot on Ten. At this point it doesn’t matter if I lose Vonreg or Holo.

Vonreg and Kylo killed Ten so Holo gets a free shot into Luke stripping off both shields. Dutch’s Ion Torpedos showed 3 hits. Vonreg rolled 2 natural evades…lucky me.

I thought about the correct decisions for the upcoming round for quite some time here. Both Rebel pilots sitting on 4 hull.

Luke will most likely 4k or tallon roll to the left while Dutch banks in. Kylo will 2 turn to the right to avoid getting blocked by Luke’s tallon roll. Kylo can then use Extreme Maneuvers to attack Dutch and even arcdodge Luke if he wants to.

Holo will 3 bank to the right. After that she can use Daredevil to get into Lukes flank (if he’s going to k-turn or tallon roll). Vonreg will just 1 turn towards Dutch.

My dice were on fire

Everything worked out. Vonreg went all in taking the strain to double mod his attack. Dutch blanked and dies…

Luke used his second Plasma Torpedo. Vonreg dropped down to 1hp. Holo locked Luke and rolled 4 hits. Luke blanked…BOOOM!

This list is good fun. Daredevil/Extreme Maneuvers are such good upgrades for these ships. Especially Kylo is able to do crazy things. Will put this list to the table again for sure.

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