The correct decision

I played the Actis Aces again vs a Malarus swarm. Even if these Tie’s only rolling 2 dice, they’re well modified. You really don’t want to face multiple Tie’s at range 1. My win condition is Malarus. Without her my opponents 2 dice attacks become much worse and a dead Malarus costs more than half of Anakin/Obi/Aayla.

Aalya is sad because I cut her out. She’s in reds flank and did 1 damage to him.

The blue Tie rolled horrible suffering 2 damage. Now Obi can boost forward using his ship ability to setup some blocks and then go 5 straight. If his swarm turns left some of his ships have to move over the debris. If the swarm banks left, Obi successfully disengaged. Anakin will barrel roll left and 2 bank to get something in his bullseye. With an evade he should be save.

Wow! Obi dodged everything (75% chance of taking no damage there considering all the mods)

Anakin killed the first Tie while Malarus lost her first shield.

Aayla will turn in here…banking seemed a bit too risky, don’t know why. Obi will barrel roll left to block something while Anakin will boost straight and disengage with a 3 turn to the left.

Half points on Malarus

Like I did in the last game, I continued playing aggressive (what you shouldn’t do with these ships at this point).

Anakins correct move is shown by the green arrow. Instead I dialed in a force tallon roll to the right. Aayla will turn away and Obi will make his way around the cloud.

Aayla dodged everything (again)

Obi will turn left. My opponent will most likely dial in straight or bank maneuvers if he intends to attack Obi. Turning his Ties towards Anakin seems reasonable as well because of Malarus position. Ignoring Anakins correct move again (because landing there would have given him debris protection), I barrel rolled him right and moved him 2 straight (because I wanted to attack)

Anakin took no damage. These ETA’s are insane.

Anakin could disengage there by boosting straight (to block these Tie’s) and 3 bank left. I dialed in a 4k instead because it’s risky and I wanted to take risks 🙂 .

Aayla will go straight again because she’s a bit scared the the approaching Tie’s while Obi can go straight without a problem.

Anakin fit. He then used his own and Obi’s ability to get rid off the stress, get a focus token and take an evade action. WOW!

Malarus died. This made the Tie really angry. He rolled 3 hits and Anakin rolled 3 blanks + one focus result (94% chance of taking 0 damage).

Instead of the correct decision, Obi followed red and clipped the debris. Then he blanked and lost his Stealth Device as well…

Aayla halved red and Obi dropped down to half points as well.

Time’s up!


I had to roll a lot of defense dice in this game. At some point (even if you’re rolling a lot of hyper modified greens) your dice will betray you. As you can see in the pictures my ships were in very bad positions twice and took 0 damage only to loose the Stealth Device with a 6 % chance. Therefore you have to do the correct decisions and disengage more often than you like. If I would have dialed in the green maneuvers I probably wouldn’t have taken any damage…(not sure about that of course).

I am really curious what you think about this list and it’s potential. I will definitely bring the list to an upcoming tournament to see what it can do there.

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